Top 6 Brochure Design Trends To Look For In 2021

Top 6 Brochure Design Trends To Look For In 2021

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Although digital marketing holds a special place in every marketing strategy, it has not replaced the traditional methods altogether. Brochures did not completely disappear, and it continues to be an effective means. Companies that offer brochure design services specialize in developing and designing professional and attractive brochures.

But likewise, with any other design trend, brochure designs also emerge and tend to fade away with time. And marketers are always under the pressure to create something unique, all over again, to draw the eyes of their customers. This particularly compels designers to create items that stand out. Consequently, innovative brochure design trends emerge each year to develop memorable brochure designs. So, what do designers have in their innovative minds to offer this year?

If you are planning to create brochures for an event or your organization, you will want to know the latest brochure design ideas that are going to steal the show in 2021.

Beating A Retreat From The Grid

Brochures designers cannot deny the fact that they have always had a love-hate relationship with the grid. At other times, the grid itself serves as the king. So, it all depends on their humour, truth be told. And sometimes, designers like to steer clear of the grid, like a plaque.

While a handful of designers continue to keep the uniqueness of the grid in designing logos, more and more designers who wish to exhibit freedom while experimenting and creating a layout, are moving away from it. The outcome is a distinctive, yet aesthetic brochure design that breaks the rule. To be more specific, a design that demands to be noticed.

Exceptionally Visual Images

Adhering to the rules, at times, with the use of a range of colours in fonts, designers are exhibiting a trend towards notably attractive visual elements with images and colors. The visual images are specifically famous for designing creative brochures that will be distributed digitally. These brochure designs with a combination of image designs and high colour will be quite impactful in print as well.

Visuals that resonate with the thoughts of customers, and communicate with them conveniently, are especially powerful. Plus the progressive capabilities provided by printers will have designers experiment with more colour, bleeds, and image options that will function well together with printing selections and paper they have chosen.

Use Of illustrations By Brochure Design Companies

Illustrations convey an element of curiosity in design that keeps customers enticed. Additionally, it an eye-catching and clever way of delivering the message.

Brochure designers will be effectively implementing a wide range of illustrations in 2021 to deliver originality. They will also use illustrations to communicate with the targeted audience and convey a brand message.

While images of services or products have been stirring in the past, strategically designed illustrations will have a more artful appearance to draw the interest of customers while providing information.

Muted Colour Palettes

You can use palettes of muted colors on your catalog or ask the brochure design service professionals to do the same. Muted colors are the newest trend, and they are loved by customers. They give a sense of saturation that specifically attracts the customers and keeps them engaged. You get a sense of security that does not happen with vivid colors. Muted colors also allow the customers to feel secure and nostalgic. This is the main reason muted color catalogs are usually used by wellness and health brands.

Detailed Vintage

Vintage art has always been impactful and accessible to a great extent. Undoubtedly, this will continue to do so in 2021. For brochure design trends in 2021, and probably beyond that, designers will look forward to using vintage elements with more enthusiasm, though.

Designs that blend with retro aesthetics have a long-term impact while delivering the idea that an organization has a vision embedded in the past while expecting in the future. The vintage style is specifically useful in the beverage industries where it is critical to stay powerful.

Minimal Design

In an era of minimalism, ‘less is more’ continues to be appreciated. This is necessarily going to have a lasting impact in brochure design trends in 2021. Designers who focus on creating brochures with minimal designs need to be less concerned when it comes to quality control and printing. They can enhance readability by keeping away from reverse type. And utilizing a more white background means there is less possibility of ink smearing.

Final Thoughts

Brochure design trends for 2021 means including the use of avoiding the use of the grid, focusing on visual images and detailed vintage, and using illustrations, muted colour palettes, and minimal design. These styles and design elements will help designers of brochure design company create unique brochures that stand out.


8th Jul, 2021

2 Replies to “Top 6 Brochure Design Trends To Look For In 2021”

  1. I see your post regarding Brochure its very useful to customers to understand the uses of Brochure. Brochures play a very vital role in promoting your services or products. So thank you for telling the designs and new trend of Brochure.

  2. Great, thanks for the insights. I am myself a graphic designer and am about to start my first assignment – a B2B Catalogue design. I would really appreciate it if you could do a similar article for packaging design.

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